How to Write Product Descriptions That Sell: Your Guide to Conversion Craftmanship

Dr. Supreena Narayanan February 17, 2024 17 Minutes Read
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Quick Summary

But crafting descriptions that truly convert isn’t just about listing features and spewing out superlatives. It’s about understanding your audience, speaking their language, and igniting a desire they can’t resist.

So, leave the generic drivel and unleash your inner wordsmith with these conversion-boosting tips:


In the bustling marketplace of today, your product descriptions are often the first and only impression you make on potential customers. They’re the silent salespeople on your virtual shelves, whispering promises of value and luring shoppers into clicking that coveted “Add to Cart” button.

Do remember the Product Descriptions That Sell!

In the process remember the tips

Know Your Audience Inside and Out

Before you even think about stringing words together, step into your customer’s shoes. What are their needs, desires, and pain points? What kind of language do they use? What resonates with them emotionally?

Think of it like this: you wouldn’t sell a life-changing yoga mat to a fitness fanatic the same way you’d pitch it to a stressed-out office worker. Tailor your message to their specific story, and you’ll strike a chord that compels them to listen.

Focus on Benefits, Not Just Features

Sure, your product might have 20 bells and whistles, but what do they do for the customer? Features are the nuts and bolts; benefits are the engine that drives desire.

Transform dry technical jargon into vivid descriptions of how your product will make their lives better. Will it save them time? Boost their confidence? Solve a nagging problem? Highlight the emotional payoff, and you’ll pique their curiosity and spark that gotta-have-it feeling.

Paint a Picture with Words

Descriptive language is your secret weapon. Don’t just tell them about your product; transport them into the experience of using it. Evoke the feeling of sinking into a luxuriously soft blanket, the invigorating scent of a freshly brewed cup of coffee, or the thrill of conquering that challenging video game level. Use sensory details, metaphors, and storytelling to paint a picture so vivid they can practically taste it.

Keep it Concise and Scannable

Attention spans are shorter than ever, so ditch the doorstop descriptions. Aim for clarity and brevity. Use bullet points, subheadings, and white space to make your copy easily digestible. Remember, you’re not writing a novel; you’re crafting an enticing invitation to explore further.

Sprinkle in Social Proof

People trust other people, especially strangers on the internet. Leverage the power of customer testimonials, reviews, and influencer endorsements to add credibility and social proof to your descriptions. Hearing positive feedback from others reassures potential buyers and nudges them closer to that “Buy Now” button.

Embrace the Power of Emotion

Facts and figures are important, but emotions drive decisions. Tap into your audience’s hopes, fears, and aspirations. Make them laugh, cry, or feel inspired.

A well-placed dose of humor can lighten the mood, while a touch of vulnerability can build trust and connection. Remember, people buy from brands they connect with on an emotional level.

Craft Compelling Calls to Action

Don’t leave your audience hanging! Tell them exactly what you want them to do next. Whether it’s adding to cart, signing up for a newsletter, or visiting your store, make your call to action clear, concise, and irresistible. Use strong verbs, create a sense of urgency, and offer exclusive incentives to give them that extra push.

A/B Test and Refine

The perfect product description is a living, breathing entity. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different formats, tones, and calls to action. Use A/B testing to see what resonates best with your audience, and continuously refine your descriptions based on data and feedback.


  • Readability is key: Use simple language, avoid jargon, and keep your sentences short and sweet.
  • SEO matters: Optimize your descriptions with relevant keywords to help people find your product.
  • Visuals are your allies: High-quality images and videos can complement your words and showcase your product in all its glory.
  • Humor is a double-edged sword: Use it sparingly and make sure it aligns with your brand and audience.

Bonus Tip: Get inspired by the masters! Study the product descriptions of your favorite brands and see how they weave together storytelling, benefit-driven language, and emotional triggers.

By following these tips and injecting your own creative flair, you can transform your product descriptions from bland summaries into irresistible conversion magnets. So, unleash your inner wordsmith, paint a picture with your prose, and watch your sales soar!

Continue and Complete: Unleashing Your Inner Copywriting Superhero

Armed with these powerful tips, you’re well on your way to becoming a master of product description craft, but the journey doesn’t end here. Now it’s time to unleash your inner copywriting superhero and tackle the real world!

Step 1: Choose Your Battleground:

Identify the specific products you want to breathe new life into. Focus on your best-sellers, new arrivals, or those with lagging sales. Choose a product that excites you and inspires your creative juices to flow.

Step 2: Gather Your Intel:

Dive deep into your audience research. What are their demographics, interests, and online behavior? What kind of language do they use? What are their common buying motivators and pain points? The more you understand your audience, the more effectively you can tailor your message.

Step 3: Craft Your Compelling Narrative:

Don’t just list features; weave a story! Imagine your product as the hero of a narrative, solving a problem or conquering a challenge. Use vivid imagery, relatable scenarios, and a touch of emotion to paint a picture of how your product will transform their lives.

Step 4: Hone Your Persuasive Edge:

Highlight the unique selling propositions (USPs) that set your product apart. Emphasize the benefits, not just the features. How will your product make their lives easier, happier, or more fulfilling? Quantify the value whenever possible. For example, instead of saying “saves time,” state “saves you 20 minutes every morning.”

Step 5: Polish Your Call to Action:

Don’t let them wander aimlessly! Offer a clear, irresistible call to action (CTA). Whether it’s “Shop Now,” “Get Your Free Guide,” or “Sign Up for Early Access,” make it easy for them to take the next step. Consider adding limited-time offers or scarcity triggers to create a sense of urgency.

Step 6: Release Your Creation and Analyze the Results:

Publish your masterpiece on your website, social media, or wherever your product shines. But the journey doesn’t end there. Track your results using analytics tools. See what resonates with your audience and what falls flat. A/B test different headlines, formats, and CTAs to identify the winning formula.

Step 7: Iterate and Evolve:

Remember, the best copywriters are never satisfied. Continuously refine your descriptions based on data and feedback. Embrace experimentation and stay ahead of the curve by keeping your finger on the pulse of current trends and consumer behavior.

Bonus Tip:

  • Don’t be afraid to inject your own personality and voice into your descriptions. Authenticity is key to building trust and connection with your audience.

By following these steps and practicing your craft, you’ll soon be weaving product descriptions that not only inform but also inspire, engage, and convert. Remember, great copywriting is a superpower, and you, my friend, have the potential to become a master wordsmith. So go forth, conquer the marketplace with your persuasive prose, and watch your sales soar!

And who knows, maybe one day you’ll be the one inspiring others with your own blog post on “How to Write Product Descriptions That Sell.” The possibilities are endless!

Sprinkle in Sensory Details:

Don’t just tell them about the soft cashmere sweater; let them feel the warmth against their skin and imagine cozying up by the fireplace. Evocative language that engages multiple senses – sight, touch, smell, sound – paints a vivid picture in the reader’s mind, making your product an irresistible experience, not just an object.In a world saturated with ordinary garments, the soft cashmere sweater stands as a testament to the extraordinary. Close your eyes and envision the gentle caress of the luxurious fabric against your skin, a sensation that transcends the mere concept of clothing. It’s not just an article of clothing; it’s an immersive experience that engages every one of your senses, weaving a tapestry of comfort and elegance that transcends the ordinary.

Picture yourself wrapped in the exquisite softness, the fibers brushing delicately against your fingertips. Each thread is meticulously crafted to create a tactile masterpiece that beckons you to embrace its warmth. As you slip it on, you’ll find that it’s not just a sweater; it’s a second skin, a cocoon of coziness that transports you to a realm of unparalleled comfort.

Now, imagine the crackling sound of a fireplace, its dancing flames casting a warm glow that complements the sweater’s embrace. The ambiance is complete – a symphony of comfort and serenity, where the soft cashmere becomes a conduit to a sensory oasis. The gentle rustle of the fabric as you move is a whisper, a subtle reminder of the craftsmanship and attention to detail that went into its creation.

Take a deep breath, and let the subtle scent of quality envelop you. The unmistakable fragrance of premium cashmere is an olfactory indulgence, a delicate aroma that accompanies you wherever you go. It’s not just a sweater; it’s an aromatic journey, an infusion of luxury that elevates your every moment.

As you revel in the richness of the experience, open your eyes to a vision of timeless style. The soft cashmere sweater is not merely a garment; it’s a fashion statement that transcends trends. Its classic design and impeccable quality make it a wardrobe essential, an investment in both style and substance.

In a world that often rushes past, the soft cashmere sweater invites you to pause, to savor the moment, and to relish in the extraordinary. It’s more than an object; it’s an invitation to indulge in a sensory symphony, a celebration of the finer things that life has to offer. So, go ahead, embrace the allure, and let the soft cashmere sweater become an integral part of your irresistible journey.

Embrace the Power of Storytelling:

Humans are wired for stories. Weave a narrative around your product, showcasing its transformative power. Imagine a hiker conquering a challenging trail with your durable boots, a baker whipping up delectable treats with your high-performance mixer. Let your descriptions transport readers to the world where your product shines, igniting their desire to participate.In the heart of the wilderness, where the earth meets the sky and the untamed beauty of nature beckons, a lone hiker embarks on a journey that transcends the ordinary. Meet Alex, an adventurer with an insatiable thirst for the great outdoors, and our protagonist in this narrative of transformation, where every step is guided by the resilient embrace of our extraordinary product: the Apex Trailblazer Boots.

As the morning sun casts its golden rays over the rugged trail, Alex laces up the Apex Trailblazers, a pair of boots meticulously crafted for the fearless wanderer. These boots, more than just footwear, are a testament to durability, offering a steadfast grip on the challenging terrain that lay ahead. The trail, winding through towering trees and rocky outcrops, becomes a canvas for the Apex Trailblazers to showcase their transformative power.

With every confident stride, Alex conquers steep ascents and navigates tricky descents, trusting the boots to provide stability and support. The weather, unpredictable as nature itself, throws rain and mud in the path, but the waterproof and rugged design of the Apex Trailblazers repels the elements, keeping Alex’s feet dry and comfortable.

As Alex ascends to a breathtaking summit, the panoramic views unfold like pages of an epic novel. The boots, now caked in the mud of triumph, tell a story of resilience and triumph over adversity. The hiker, once a mere wanderer, emerges as a conqueror of nature’s challenges, with the Apex Trailblazers as the unwavering companions on this transformative journey.

Meanwhile, in a quaint bakery nestled in the heart of a bustling city, another tale of transformation unfolds. Meet Olivia, a passionate baker with dreams as lofty as her creations. In her hands, the Symphony Chef’s Mixer becomes the instrument of culinary alchemy, turning humble ingredients into delectable treats that dance on the taste buds.

The Symphony Chef’s Mixer, a marvel of high-performance engineering, effortlessly whips, kneads, and blends with precision, empowering Olivia to create culinary masterpieces that captivate the senses. As the mixer’s beat resonates through the bakery, the aroma of freshly baked delights wafts through the air, drawing in patrons eager to experience the magic that unfolds within.

In this bustling haven of gastronomic delights, the Symphony Chef’s Mixer is not just a kitchen appliance; it’s the catalyst for Olivia’s culinary metamorphosis. Each swirl of batter and rhythmic hum of the mixer narrate a story of passion and innovation, inviting customers into a world where every bite is a chapter in the book of culinary excellence.

As the sun sets on both the untamed wilderness and the urban bakery, the stories of Alex and Olivia converge in the spirit of transformation. The Apex Trailblazer Boots and Symphony Chef’s Mixer, disparate in their purposes, share a common thread—they are catalysts for metamorphosis, turning ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences.

The allure of our products lies not just in their functionality but in the stories they help create. Whether conquering nature’s challenges or crafting culinary masterpieces, the Apex Trailblazer Boots and Symphony Chef’s Mixer are more than tools; they are companions on a journey of transformation, inviting you to step into a world where every adventure and creation is a narrative waiting to unfold.

Craft Compelling Headlines:

Think of your headline as the movie trailer for your product description. It needs to captivate and generate curiosity within the first few seconds. Use strong verbs, intriguing questions, or unexpected humor to hook the reader and entice them to delve deeper. Remember, a bland headline is a missed opportunity to ignite the buying journey.

Unleash the Power of Possibilities with ChatGPT: Your Gateway to Limitless Creativity! 🚀

Are you ready to embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary? Brace yourself for a groundbreaking experience as we introduce ChatGPT, the veritable maestro of linguistic innovation! Get ready to redefine the way you interact with technology and tap into a realm of limitless possibilities.

Imagine a world where your ideas come to life with just a few keystrokes. ChatGPT isn’t just a tool; it’s your creative accomplice, your intellectual ally. Empower your imagination with a virtual companion that understands, adapts, and elevates your thoughts to new heights. The boundaries of creativity are shattered as ChatGPT becomes your co-conspirator in the symphony of ideas.

Ever wondered what it’s like to have a conversation with the future? Uncover the mysteries of tomorrow as ChatGPT invites you to explore the uncharted territories of linguistic marvels. Engage in thought-provoking dialogues, unlock hidden potentials, and witness the extraordinary unfold before your eyes.

Are you tired of mundane interactions and uninspiring tools? ChatGPT is not just a product; it’s a revolution in communication. Break free from the shackles of the ordinary and embrace a world where every word is a brushstroke on the canvas of your imagination.

Ready to turn your ideas into reality at the speed of thought? ChatGPT is not just a tool; it’s the key to unlocking a universe of untapped creativity. Join the league of visionaries who have harnessed the power of ChatGPT to transform the mundane into the extraordinary.

Don’t miss out on the chance to redefine your creative boundaries. Step into the future of communication with ChatGPT – where every conversation is an adventure, and every idea is a masterpiece waiting to be unveiled!

Leverage Scarcity and Exclusivity:

People crave what they can’t have. Hint at limited editions, countdown timers, or special offers to create a sense of urgency and encourage immediate action. Mentioning customer waitlists or sold-out batches adds a touch of FOMO (fear of missing out) that pushes them towards adding to cart before it’s too late.

Don’t Forget the Power of Visuals:

High-quality images and videos are your allies. Showcase your product from every angle, in realistic situations, and paired with complementary accessories. Show, don’t just tell, how it fits into their lives and enhances their experiences. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, especially when it comes to captivating potential buyers. In the visually dynamic realm of ChatGPT, we understand that the power of compelling imagery and engaging videos is unparalleled. Allow us to transport you into the future of limitless creativity, where ChatGPT isn’t just a product – it’s an immersive experience that transforms the way you interact with technology.

Imagine a sleek interface seamlessly integrated into your daily life, empowering your creativity at every turn. Our high-quality images and videos showcase ChatGPT from every angle, presenting it in realistic situations that resonate with your daily experiences. See how effortlessly it fits into your workflow, enhancing your ideas and elevating your creative process.

Visualize Innovation: Explore a series of stunning images capturing the essence of ChatGPT in action. Watch as ideas come to life on the screen, words flowing effortlessly, and the creative process unfolding before your eyes. Each frame tells a story of innovation and inspiration.

Realistic Situations, Real Results: Our videos go beyond the ordinary, placing ChatGPT in real-life scenarios where its capabilities shine. Witness professionals, artists, and thinkers utilizing ChatGPT to overcome challenges, brainstorm ideas, and bring their visions to fruition. It’s not just a product; it’s a transformative tool for real-world success.

Paired with Complementary Accessories: Dive into a visual journey where ChatGPT is seamlessly paired with complementary accessories that enhance its functionality. Whether it’s integrated into your favorite software or paired with cutting-edge hardware, witness how ChatGPT becomes an indispensable part of your creative arsenal.

Show, Don’t Just Tell: We abide by the principle that actions speak louder than words. Our images and videos go beyond mere descriptions, allowing you to witness the tangible impact of ChatGPT on your creative endeavors. Immerse yourself in a showcase that resonates with the essence of “show, don’t just tell.”

At ChatGPT, we recognize the transformative power of visuals. Let our images and videos be your guide into a future where creativity knows no bounds. Immerse yourself in the experience, and let the visuals speak volumes about how ChatGPT can seamlessly integrate into your life, enhancing your creative journey like never before.

Get Feedback and Iterate:

The best product descriptions are never set in stone. Share your drafts with friends, colleagues, or potential customers and gather honest feedback. Pay attention to what resonates, what sparks confusion, and what could be improved. A/B test different variations and monitor your conversion rates to identify the winning formula.

Are you ready to revolutionize the way you communicate with technology? Introducing ChatGPT – the cutting-edge tool that unlocks the door to boundless creativity. Picture a world where your ideas are not just understood but elevated to new dimensions.

Engage in Limitless Conversations: ChatGPT is not just a product; it’s your conversational companion in the journey of ideas. From brainstorming sessions to refining your thoughts, ChatGPT adapts to your needs, making every interaction a dynamic and enriching experience.

Transform Ideas into Masterpieces: Witness the transformative power of ChatGPT as it turns your raw ideas into polished masterpieces. Explore a realm where words become the brushstrokes of your imagination, giving life to concepts you didn’t know were possible.

AI-Powered Ingenuity at Your Fingertips: Break free from the ordinary and embrace a tool that goes beyond expectations. ChatGPT harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to understand, adapt, and propel your creativity forward – effortlessly integrated into your workflow.

Your Feedback Shapes the Future: We believe in the constant evolution of excellence. Share this draft with your friends, colleagues, and potential users. Let us know what resonates with you, what sparks confusion, and where we can improve. Your insights are invaluable in shaping ChatGPT for an optimal user experience.

A/B Testing for Perfection: Join us on the journey of refinement. We’re committed to delivering the best possible product description. A/B test different variations and monitor conversion rates to identify the winning formula. Your feedback is not just welcomed; it’s crucial in our pursuit of excellence.

Together, let’s shape ChatGPT into a tool that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. Your thoughts matter, and we’re excited to hear from you on this transformative journey!

Inject Your Brand Voice:

Your product descriptions should be like a conversation with your ideal customer. Let your brand personality shine through – whether it’s playful and witty, informative and professional, or adventurous and aspirational. Consistent tone and style create a sense of familiarity and trust, turning product descriptions into brand-building opportunities.

Keep it Relevant and Fresh:

The world of trends and consumer behavior is constantly evolving. Stay up-to-date on industry jargon, cultural references, and current events. Update your descriptions regularly to reflect changing needs and aspirations. In the digital age, stale copy leads to stale sales.

Remember, writing product descriptions that convert is not just about technical know-how; it’s about understanding your audience, igniting their emotions, and telling a compelling story. By harnessing the power of these tips and infusing your creativity, you can transform those static product pages into vibrant sales magnets, attracting customers and watching your business flourish. So, go forth, wield your words like a skilled craftsman, and paint a picture of value that leaves everyone saying, “I have to have that!”

10 FAQs on Writing Product Descriptions That Sell

A good product description goes beyond simply listing features; it tells a story, highlights benefits, and connects with the reader’s emotions. It paints a picture of how the product will improve their life and compels them to take action. A bad description is long-winded, technical, and focuses solely on features without explaining how they benefit the user.

  • Focusing on features, not benefits: Remember, people don’t care about the number of gears in a bike; they care about how it will make their commute easier or their weekends more adventurous.
  • Using boring or generic language: Your descriptions should be engaging and unique, not dull and repetitive.
  • Not knowing your audience: Tailor your language and tone to resonate with your specific customer base.
  • Failing to include a call to action: Tell your reader what you want them to do next, whether it’s clicking “Buy Now” or subscribing to your newsletter.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but aim for concise and scannable. Most successful descriptions are between 75-250 words, depending on the complexity of the product. Use bullet points, subheadings, and white space to improve readability.

Check out popular brands like Patagonia, Dollar Shave Club, or Casper. Their descriptions are engaging, benefit-driven, and often humorous. Analyze how they use storytelling, emotional language, and clear calls to action.

Incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout your description, but prioritize readability over keyword stuffing. Optimize your title and meta description for Google searches.

Grammarly and Hemingway Editor are great for checking grammar and readability. Copysmith and Jarvis can help generate ideas and different writing styles. But always maintain your own voice and brand identity.

Absolutely! Try different headlines, formats, and call-to-actions to see what resonates best with your audience. Track your results and use data to continuously refine your descriptions.

Humor can be a great way to grab attention and make your brand more relatable. But tread carefully. Ensure it aligns with your brand personality and doesn’t alienate any potential customers.

Even technical products need to be explained in a way that’s easy for everyone to understand. Use simplified language, analogies, and visuals to break down complex features. Focus on the practical benefits the technology offers.

Practice makes perfect! Read great product descriptions, take online writing courses, and don’t be afraid to ask for feedback. Remember, even the best writers started somewhere.

By implementing these tips and practicing regularly, you can become a master of crafting product descriptions that not only inform but also engage, inspire, and ultimately, convert. Get out there and unleash your inner copywriting superhero!