Mini Guide to Building a Membership Marketing Strategy & SEO

Rishi Dang July 29, 2023 10 Minutes Read
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Are you a business owner with a premium content product? If so, you may want to consider building your membership site where customers pay a monthly or yearly charge to have access to your premium content. This article will guide you throughout the process of building a successful membership marketing strategy and SEO for your business.

This article will help you learn how to build an effective membership marketing strategy to attract multiple new customers. A perfect marketing strategy will result in a great source of passive income through your business.

Before starting directly to the main marketing strategy let’s deep dive into some basic concepts.

What is Membership Marketing?

When an organization begins a membership program to earn extra revenue, produce leads, and/or fulfilling other organizational goals, it is referred to as membership marketing. Membership marketing needs consistent growth in members and keeping those members engaged. And by keeping members engaged, you won’t just attract and keep having more members, you’ll have the strength in numbers to push through legislative wins, more volunteer members for your various programs, and an increase in event attendance and other revenue streams.

Before you get started with membership marketing, make sure you have a clear definition of your membership package to the customers. Providing the custom option to choose membership duration will impact better on your customer.

Membership Marketing is a sales method used to acquire new customers or to retain existing customers. Memberships offer a predictable conversion rate making it an ideal marketing strategy to increase service sales. Memberships also enable you to turn one-time buyers into repeat customers, which is an advantage over one-off sales. Membership Marketing offers a collection of multiple tested strategies that provide you with potential customers, lead generation, and customer retention at no cost.

Below are some of the top ways you can start using membership marketing for your business today.

  • Reaching to New Customer

    No matter how amazing your service is or how perfect your membership package is, you are going to lose some members over time and that is perfectly alright because everyone leaves at some time. So instead of just being dependent on current members, you must keep searching for new customers and try to convert them into your members for continuous growth in your customers. SEO and content marketing will help you to maximize your brand visibility and make it.

    You can use multiple ways to reach your targeted audience like Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, using best practice SEO for a business website, and many more.

  • Social Media

    Social media marketing provides businesses with a way to engage with their existing customers and reach out to new customers as well while allowing them to promote their desired product. To grow your audience you can use social media or email marketing. Social media is a great platform to grow your target audience or you can also reach out to your customers by sending personalized emails.

    You can use your business profile to post photos or videos about the products or the services you provide or communicate through comments or messages. You can also post testimonials of your existing customers on it. Social media provides an environment where customers can learn a lot about your business.

  • Deals and coupons

    Another way to gather the attention of your target audience is by providing coupons or deals or any gift vouchers on the first signup. These deals should be for a limited time so that you can grow your audience in no time.

    Providing deals and coupons is an effective way of marketing to increase both sales of your business as well as membership for your service. You can use this strategy on social media so that your loyal customers will get informed about this opportunity.

  • Referral Programs and Contests

    Referral programs attract new members and reward the existing members who brought new members. Rewards can be gifts, discounts in regular membership packages, or even cashback offers.

    While some business owners offer discounts to both referees and referral parties, few businesses run contests or competitions. It may be answering quiz questions and uploading results of the quiz or uploading photos with particular hashtags on social media and the best contestant wins the prize.

  • Meet the customer expectations

    When you apply marketing and promote your membership and customers get converted into regular members, make sure that you provide all the services and support that you promised at the time of promotion. You can also provide some exclusive services. It makes members feel valued and gives them a reason for word of mouth marketing, for regular renewal of membership and that’s how you will get more loyal customers for your business.

  • Different Membership offers

    Sometimes, your membership plan may fail to convert your website visitor or even a customer into a member due to an undesirable membership price structure. So providing variety in membership price will help you sustain that potential customer and increase sales. For providing variety, you can use any of the following approaches for your business.

    1. Free trial

      Some people like to try your service before they make up their minds and subscribe to your membership. So, providing free access to your service for a limited time and limited functionality will help your customers understand your service and make them purchase it.

    2. Flexible membership duration

      Providing flexibility in membership duration will help your customer to try paid functionality for a few days instead of a full month or your preferred duration (up to six months or for one year). If your service did not match their requirement they can cancel your membership subscription without any problem.

    3. Installment option

      Instead of one-time payment billing, you can provide an installment option which will be an increment billing option. In both ways, clients will purchase your membership, the only thing is they need to pay the subscription fees every month.

Tips for Membership Marketing

Content marketing is a great way to get your product acquainted with your target audience. The trick is you want them to do something when they see your product or service. There are a few basic actions you can take to make the most of your marketing, reach more people, and convert those unconvinced members into complete members. You can follow them to grow your members.

  • Content Marketing

    Content writing is one of the ways to generate free traffic to your website. It’s a detailed page about your service or product that will help your customer to decide between buying your service or not. Not only will it generate free and organic traffic but will also help you to boost your website SEO and rank higher on search engine ranking pages. You must create content directly related to the service you provide and your targeted audience’s search intent or keyword.

    To start with content marketing, you have to make a content plan based on keywords related to your providing services. Writing “How-to” blogs or making videos on how your product will solve clients’ problems will generate more traffic. Simple and relevant content is what SEO needs. So to reach your target audience you must create content accordingly.

    The greatest strategy to get those essential inbound links that can raise your business search rankings and ultimately improve your website’s discoverability is to generate such content. Also, the content will help you to introduce your brand to your targeted audience. You can use the Google Trend tool to find keywords regarding your content creation and can get lots of new ideas as well as relevant keywords for your Content SEO.

    1. Create a Call-to-action (CTA)

      Once you have planned your membership program and crafted a well-personalized email, it’s time to create a call to action. A Call-to-action is the marketing method or a term that refers to a suggestion for your audience or reader to take the next step. It can be used to grab your visitors’ attention through email, content, or any other marketing method you are using and to redirect them to your purchase page by a simple button at the bottom of the page.

      Here, you can convince them by using exciting membership plans so that they will purchase your service or membership plan and become your valuable customer. The more your CTA is effective, the higher the chance to convert your website visitors into a lead and then into potential customers.

    2.  SEO Marketing

      Search Engine Optimization or SEO is one of the best, low-cost, and effective marketing strategies used by most business owners for their membership growth as well as to generate organic traffic. A well-optimized SEO will help you to rank higher on the search engine result page. You won’t see the immediate results of this type of marketing but giving some time to it and trying different defined techniques of SEO will show great results.

      Some businesses prefer website audit software like Ahref or Google’s LightHouse to optimize their website for better ranking on search engine results pages. While Google’s website audit tool is easy to use.

      The right SEO strategy will help you to attract potential customers to your website. Implementing SEO on your articles or content will help Google analyze your expertise and help you to rank on the first page for the related keywords you use for the content and directly reach your desired clients.

    3. Social Media Marketing

      The social media platform is one of the first places where people find an organization that they are unfamiliar with but provides the service that they are looking for. So having a sound social media presence will lure your audience. People who often check various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter will investigate and interact with your social media profile.

      Connecting with people and sharing thoughts and stories is at the heart of social media. Interactions may be both a good and bad experience. When you put yourself out there, someone may come along and criticize your initiative. You must be ready for both positive and negative interactions.

      You may reach a larger audience with sponsored advertisements, but you should never underestimate the power of social media. A well-crafted social media post might generate a significant amount of unanticipated cash. One thing to remember is that not everyone will see your social media postings, so schedule them at different times.

    4. Email Marketing

      In email marketing, you can use email lists you’ve collected from potential recruits and current members alike. You may send information, updates, promotions, and more to this list of email addresses. You’ll be able to convert customers from email subscribers to full-fledged members in no time with a well-crafted personalized message that informs them about membership.

      Regardless of what you’re discussing, creating and maintaining an email list is an excellent method to connect with potential and existing customers. Several email marketing statistics show the efficacy of email list development and marketing. Email marketing can help you to build trust between you and your existing as well as new customers.

      You can use email marketing techniques to send your existing clients an enticing offer or deal or discount, more information about your membership and its plan, and establish yourself as a trustworthy investment.


Membership marketing is based on the concept of providing the right customers with the right content so that they do not feel deceived. Businesses are focused on offering content that will help their customers while they are called upon regularly to access that content. By following the above steps, your membership marketing campaign will be able to meet customer expectations, giving you an excellent chance of attracting new clients and building strong relationships with the existing ones.

Membership marketing is a great way to build an audience of dedicated followers. It builds a strong relationship between you and your customers, especially when combined with customer service. Membership marketing will greatly improve customer retention and help to defend against competition that may be trying to steal your customers away.

Membership marketing requires your customers to be engaged and actively participate, so they can contribute with their knowledge. This form of marketing is centered around a community and conversation, instead of merely being about the product or service. Membership campaigns help the market to people that want to be marketed to, so the bond between the two parties is much stronger.

Rishi Dang

B2B Content Writer & Marketer | SEO | SEM | SMM | Enabling recurring customer’s for Saas companies.