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How to create an email sender?

How to create an email sender?

Step- 1. Log in to your profile

Step- 2. Open the dashboard page

Step- 3. Clicked on Email Studio

Step- 4. Clicked on Sender option

Step- 5. Click on the “Add New Sender” button on the “Sender” page.

Step- 6. Select the “SMTP/IMAP” option.

Step- 7. Enter the sender’s name in the “Sender Name” field.

Step- 8. Input the sender’s email address in the “Email” field.

Step- 9. Provide the “SMTP Host Name” in the respective field.

Step- 10. Enter the appropriate “SMTP Port Number”.

Step- 11. Input the “SMTP Password” securely.

Step- 12. Provide the “IMAP Host Name” in the designated field.

Step- 13. Enter the “IMAP Port Number”.

Step- 14. Click on the “Save” button to proceed.

Step- 15. The sender has been successfully created.