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How to connect Instagram Page with ManagePlus?

How to connect Instagram Page with ManagePlus?

To connect to your Instagram Page follow the steps mentioned below

Step 1-Login to your Profile

Login to your ManagePlus account using your username and password

Step 2- Open the Dashboard

Under the “Account settings” section on the Dashboard, you will find a list of social media handles with corresponding connect buttons.

Step 3- Open the account settings

Under the “Connect your accounts” section on the Dashboard, you will find a list of social media handles with corresponding connect buttons.

Step 4- Click on the Connect Option

Click on the connect button present beside it.

Step 5- The login page will appear.

You will be redirected to Facebook. A pop-up menu will appear on the screen with the message “ManagePlus is requesting access” Select your desired account.

Step 6- Enter your email address in the Email field.

Step 7- Enter your password in the Password field.

Step 8- The Instagram connection page will open.

Step 9- Click Continue to proceed.

Step 10- A list of Instagram pages will appear.

Step 11- Select a page from the list.

Step 12- Click Done to finalize the connection.

Step 13- Your Instagram account is now connected.

Now you can plan and update your post on your Instagram Business Account through the ManagePlus Dashboard. It makes updating and tracking marketing campaigns a breeze as your marketing team and their efforts are accessible via a single dashboard.